As seen in:

Ready to Become a CPD Accredited Service Provider?
And become Certified in as little as 9 weeks?
All training is delivered by a qualified first-class honours degree teacher with over a decade in education.
The Client Centred Approach Certification is a CPD accreditation that helps you build, grow and run a successful business with clients at the centre of what you do.
Perfect for any service provider looking to elevate their business and the experience their clients get with them.
Here’s what people are saying:

You are a service provider and run a service based business and therefore provide a service … and that service is delivered to another PERSON. Your client.
Running an online business and priding yourself on;
Delivering the best service to your clients
Showing you genuinely care about their results and outcomes
Being a business that stands by their clients and their needs
Having systems in place that actually support your client (but you too!)
Running a business and services that consistently deliver results for your clients
And here is where the client-centred approach comes in - to fully acknowledge these passions and the commitment you have for your clients.

Imagine running your business AND having a CPD accreditation to showcase just how much you put your clients at the center of what you are doing.

A bit about me;
Not only have I run a successful, profitable coaching business for the past 5 years but I am also a qualified teacher who spent a decade in secondary school teaching students in 2 exam subjects.
I graduated with a first class honours degree in education and have also become ICF accredited as a coach.
So combining my qualifications in teaching and education, with my execution in business and the success I have built for myself - but also my clients on a consistent basis - it is time to put these 2 strengths together!
Creating an opportunity for to not only become accredited for your business but in an area that ALL service providers would want to price themselves on - their clients!
The Client Centred Approach Certification
The Client Centred Approach Certification is a CPD accreditation that helps you build, grow and run a successful business with clients at the centre of what you do. Perfect for any service provider looking to elevate their business and the experience their clients get with them.
I want to be certified!Each module will come with a specific training module, support resources and templates to complete and access to step by step processes to ensure you get the best from this programme and can use this to elevate your own business.
You will also get LIFETIME access to the question and comment section in each module to provide CONTINUED support, even after you have received your accreditation.

Introduction and pre-work
[Value £397]
Creating a client journey that is clear
[Value £397]
Conversations with potential clients
[Value £397]
Holding calls with potential clients
[Value £397]
Handling objections with compassion and kindness
[Value £397]
Converting clients with integrity
[Value £397]
Setting boundaries with care and clarity
[Value £397]
Client experience & Storing client information
[Value £397]
Honouring contracts with clients
[Value £397]
Sharing client wins, celebrations publicly / testimonials
[Value £397]
lifetime access to their resource hub and question centre for continued support even after qualified
We have flexible payment plans available, too.
2 x monthly payments of £555+VAT
I want to become certified!3 x monthly payments of £370+VAT
I want to become certified!How it works:
You will sign up
There’s instant access to your introductory and pre-work
Each week, the next module will be released to you
Then, you can complete this weekly, or monthly, depending on your schedule and capacity
Once you have completed ALL modules, you will compile all of your submission work into a shared folder and email that to our assessing team (all information is inside for you, once you enrol)
Our team will then have 1 month to work through your submission work, send any feedback or refinements - if needed.
You will then be notified of your successful accreditation
After this, you will be sent your official certificate and paperwork to show that you and your business is now CPD accredited in the Client Centred Approach
You can then use this to display on your website and within your social media platforms
Sound good?

Still got questions?
Will I be CPD accredited when I get to the end of the modules?
What happens at the end of the accreditation if I need further support?
How will this benefit my business?
What can I do with the accreditation?
Is there a payment plan?
Is there a refund policy?

Introduction and pre-work
[Value £397]
Creating a client journey that is clear
[Value £397]
Conversations with potential clients
[Value £397]
Holding calls with potential clients
[Value £397]
Handling objections with compassion and kindness
[Value £397]
Converting clients with integrity
[Value £397]
Setting boundaries with care and clarity
[Value £397]
Client experience & Storing client information
[Value £397]
Honouring contracts with clients
[Value £397]
Sharing client wins, celebrations publicly / testimonials
[Value £397]
lifetime access to their resource hub and question centre for continued support even after qualified
We have flexible payment plans available, too.